Thursday, February 26, 2009

Twofold Sparrow

Hi people, this is my first blog, hope you like it. By the way I'm Jared of Asia Pacific College, I'm a clumsy happy go lucky boy, staying strong, drinking Gatorade.

Well, I am a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest, Honestly, I'm not pretty good at blogging, my fingers just happen to type on its own rofl. This blog is about Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Mind.

Have you guys heard of the words Entrepreneurship or Intrapreneurship, well of course you do, (just now) I really like to blog about a movie so i related it to this topic. An Entrepreneur is someone who creates a new venture and assumes risks and rewards, the greater the risks, the greater the price. An Intrapreneur is an entrepreneur within an organization. They differ because entrepreneur works with his own venture while intrapreneur exists in an organization.

I know someone whom I idolize for his unpleasant personality. Outside you can tell that he acts like gay but the truth is he is just unpleasant, unpredictable person that aims for the better good. He may not be in real life, we've only seen him in a movie but still i idolize him. He is a Captain of a ship, he may seem to think and act only for himself but he really plans for the benefit of his crew. At heart, he is a pleasant person, he just likes to bluff and hide it intentionally because if he reveals his true personality, his people might breakdown, because he is a role model for his funny planned ways to get around life, which he succeeds, and no matter what, he would do anything to achieve it. Leaders intend to hide their weaknesses to strengthen their members intellectually, psychologically. emotionally, increases their presence of mind and positive thinking.

Back then, Sparrows were just a bird that you could see in your backyard. Not much more to it that than. Then things changed when Johnny Depp's Pirates of the Caribbean and the main character Captain Jack Sparrow. The sparrow grew to new heights. You know Jack Sparrow. He is humorous, a renegade and foreboding at the same time but he is in fact the opposite of it. There are a lot of men who would to have those qualities. They want to be like Jack Sparrow and because they admire the character, so do I. Sparrows represent freedom, also, freedom to choose, that's why i related sparrow to this topic.

The bird Sparrow, i also idolize the bird herself, more of a n entrepreneur. her vigilance in her goals. She is always bustling for her needs, foraging for her nests, and gathering food for her young. Fastidious and productive, she is a reminder that idle hands (and idle minds) which entrepreneurs always say, should be avoided in order to live a full, healthy life. She is a master of flight, and camouflage, and as such the sparrow teaches us to use our creativity to get around in life - think outside the box, and be creative in solving our problems. And they never fly alone.

Sparrow Beckons us to keep our burdens as light as we can in order to avoid a heavy heart. We can all be an entrepreneur or intrapreneur, we just have to be like a sparrow, spread our wings, be the best. We can enhance teamwork with our fellow. There really is no risk in trying it, the risk is when you don't try it. There is no secret ingredient in all things, you just have to believe! Like Sparrow, Aim High, Think High, Fly High!

Hi to Professor Ramon Duremdes! for opening my mind in entrepreneurship! I owe you one. To Jana for helping me! to AC61 kids and specially to my fellow Left 4 Dead gamers.

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